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  • Dune Scorpions (Smeringurus mesaensis) - Commonly referred to as the Dune scorpion, Arizona Dune Scorpion, and California Dune Scorpion.

  • Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator) - The Emperor's size, relatively low toxicity, and life span make it the most popular pet scorpion.

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  • The Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion (Hadrurus arizonensis), Giant Hairy Scorpion, or Arizona Desert Hairy Scorpion, is the largest scorpion in North America, and one of the 8-9 species of Hadrurus in the United States, attaining a length of 5.5 in (14 cm).

  • Rusty Thick Tail Scorpions (Babycurus jacksoni) - This species can be kept communally as adults, however, they are very cannibalistic when young.

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items